If you didn't hear from us, sorry, you didn't win this week!
In post 1 Berta says that she became well known since she started selling on Ebay in 2000, but in post 3, her earliest Ebay feedback is from 2001.
In post 2, Berta says that she started selling "thread bears" in 1999-2000, but her earliest ad (since she didn't show any other) from 2001 shows that she was selling sewn bears when Sue was selling crocheted bears in the same magazine.
In post 5 it shows Sue was selling patterns and collectibles as early as 1995 in commerce and her earliest feedback is before Berta's, but Berta leads people to believe she was the one to bring "a whole new bear to collectors," as shown in post 2. Even though she admits in post 2 that when she started "there was not even a hand ful thread animal artist) and I'm proud of that." Proud of what?
We are giving Berta an opportunity to show evidence for her earliest advertisement of thread artist bears, since she has stated that the evidence we provided wasn't her "first" announcement, just her "newest." It is what it is, but we'll give her an opportunity. So, Berta, where is your evidence?
Post 1: One of Berta's comments on our blog
Post 2: A statement made by Berta on a public forum
Post 3: Berta's earliest eBay feedback as a seller
Post 4: Our earliest eBay feedback as a seller
Post 5: This is just one of our earlier pattern advertisements when we were Divine Designs (you can refer to our "About Us" to verify our previous business name)
For anyone who would like to verify our advertisement, it can be found in the 5th Anniversary Folkart Treasures magazine from May, 1995. This is what the cover looks like (our ad is on pg 22):
Berta, this is the only early advertisement (in commerce) of yours that we have found, which is a sewn bear. We've even included the front of the magazine, and our advertisement of a thread crocheted bear on the previous page. We could not find anything before your 2001 announcement for your new crocheted bears. Since you have said that what we have shown (from your evidence) wasn't your earliest ad for crocheted bears, we are giving you an opportunity to provide it below.
Your advertisement (the sewn bear with a blue knitted outfit)
Our advertisement on the previous page (the blue, thread crocheted panda)
Front cover of the magazine
Post 6: Berta's evidence of her earliest advertisement of thread crocheted miniatures in commerce.